size variable | watercolor on hand cut paper, lighting, thread | 2012
Lily Ponder is an exhibition specifically designed for Tillman Art Museum, Bangor, Maine.
Having had just completed a year long commission for the ultra-elite Harry Winston Jewelers that required thousands of lilies to be hand cut, Natrop found his spontaneity for creating new work tainted by the omnipresent memory of the previous year’s commission. Lilies began emerging in his new hand cut paper pieces. Indulging his compulsion, Natrop allowed these lily formations to flourish and meander throughout his new work. However, this time, the lilies become tempered by tangles of leafy vines and spindly armatures. These networks of white-paper silhouettes are further beset by a substructure of evaporated watercolor. These glittering gold streamers meander upwards toward the sky, providing a symbiotic attachment for the adjacent silhouettes. These large pieces of cut paper are suspended from the ceiling by colored thread. The resulting three-dimensional environment is illuminated by colored light fixtures interspersed throughout the installation allowing the multiple paper pieces to inner-relate as a unified whole.