Candy Bowl Meltdown


size variable | watercolor, glitter on hand cut paper, string, 5-channel video projection, gelled lighting | 2015
Fiberlicious | Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery

Candy Bowl Meltdown is a completely immersive installation, the result of a months-long studio practice where numerous color-splashed large-scale cut-paper drawings were produced. These drawings serve as a dense skeletal structure within a body of turbulent nature projections infused by psychedelic color shifts and beset by a tinny soundscape of a child’s voice and symphonic Beethoven music. 

The viewer instantly becomes participant upon entering the blacked-out room with their figures cast into triads of red, green, and blue shadows byway of gelled overhead lighting. The saturated environment creates a post-disaster atmosphere of suspended disbelief—both welcoming and unsettling: an emergence of a newly formed hybridized world, a crosshatching of the senses, an encapsulated art-gallery synesthesia.