Facebook Cloud Machine


22x15x15 feet | acrylic and glitter on hand cut paper, string | 2016

Permanent Site-Specifc Installation Facebook, Inc. Playa Vista, CA 2016

I was approached by Facebook’s Artist In Residence program to develop two permanent site-specific installations for their newly constructed buildings in Menlo Park and Playa Vista. The timelines were extremely tight—seven weeks to complete both projects. My regular studio practice was upended in a whirlwind of production having to output so much large-scale hand-cut paper in so little time. The artwork yielded through this intensified process records its frenetic making byway of interconnected nature-based formations and methodical geometric repetitions. For Playa Vista, I created a multifaceted installation, suspended in midair, twisting loosely into a double-helix. The work spins its way upward in a tempest of color, its amorphous shape fracturing into repetitive geometry as it ascends. Its broad, overlapping structure fills the atrium’s centralized volume creating an on-going kaleidoscope of visual experiences.